#SummerScienceFriday | What’s Up With Your Water, Angelenos?

It doesn’t rain often in Los Angeles and with millions living in Mediterranean conditions, a few might wonder where does all this water come from? Many LA residents don’t know that their water is pumped to the city from places hundreds of miles away because it’s easy to turn on our taps without considering how the water flowing from the faucet got to us or where it may go once it disappears down the drain. A huge portion of LA’s water is imported which is expensive and energy-intensive. LA needs a local water supply as climate change threatens the distant water sources we depend on. This week, we’re going to look at how water gets to the pipes in your home and where that water goes once it’s been used. Pretty soon, you’ll begin to understand that LA’s water resources are a BIG deal, as a large quantity travels across the state, and where we can move toward local, more sustainable water resource practices for a secure regional water future. Note: click on the slideshow to make it bigger and easier to read!
The slideshow has a couple parts, so please skip to the topics that most interest you!
Our Water Cycle
LA's Regional Water Cycle
How Water Comes to LA
Infographic: Where does your water come from, Angelenos?
How Water Comes to You: The Treatment Process (with definitions)
Where Your Water Goes (after you use it)
The Wastewater Treatment Process
How Stormwater Moves in the LA Region
Where Stormwater Runoff Goes
Check out more CWH resources related to this topic:
Our Watershed Connections Activity Book provides interactive lessons to help people of all ages learn about LA's regional watersheds and best water management practices.
This past #SummerScienceFriday can tell you how to Save Water, Save Energy and Save Money at home!