#SummerScienceFriday | Coming Together For Climate Change

This week, two CWH employees were trained by Al Gore and his Climate Reality team to become Climate Reality Leaders! Elise Eberhard and Michele Montano were among 500 fellow Angelenos and a total of 2,250 others from around the country and world participating in the training. Each day was packed with the essential information needed for all to become strong climate advocates. Science, social justice, public speaking, solar energy and climate solutions were some of the training’s pillars. While the almost 25 hours spent felt like a whirlwind, Elise and Michele came out feeling more inspired and more energized than ever. Michele called the ambiance in the LA Convention Center “electric”. The electricity was not only the topic of conversation, but it was the feeling of being united with people all over the world who are passionate about addressing climate change, protecting the planet and people at the forefront of fossil fuel pollution and ensuring a sustainable future for all. We must, we can and we will solve the climate crisis! And we will do it together.