Our Work
CWH's programs and projects are built upon three key strategies outlined in our Strategic Plan: education and engagement; research and monitoring; and integrated planning and management. Our programs are unique in that they address diverse themes such as: urban stormwater, community capacity building and engagement, watershed monitoring and the promotion of sustainable landscapes.

Regionally, CWH continues to play a critical role in the improvements in Southern California's water supply, water quality, and flood protection. CWH projects further their core mission by improving environmental health and community engagement through an emphasis on collaboration, stewardship, and science-based research on the watershed approach. Our goals through our project work are to:
1) improve and expand local water supplies and reduce per capita water demand in the greater Los Angeles region;
2) increase the number of people, municipalities, and businesses that adopt and implement sustainable and water-efficient urban landscapes, and;
3) provide science-based research to better understand trends and indicators related to the health of our watersheds and communities to improve watershed health.