Rain or Shine Spotlight | The Time for GI

In the greater Los Angeles area, climate change will continue to increase the frequency and intensity of both drought and severe storms and increase average regional temperatures. Traditional urban infrastructure further exacerbates these climate change impacts, putting the public at more risk of obstructive flooding, heat stroke and poorer air quality. These effects are now guaranteed as scientists project that we have locked in decades to centuries of climate change consequences; this is why making our region climate-resilient has never been more important. Using green infrastructure (GI), we can enhance and restore our environment’s ability to infiltrate runoff, cool ambient temperatures in urban areas, and enhance public health through added urban greening while also creating habitat for wildlife.
Now is the time for Green Infrastructure!

Proponents and funding for GI projects at the state and local levels have ushered us in to a time of great opportunity. Through the programs listed below, Council for Watershed Health and regional GI practitioners can truly prioritize GI projects that provide multiple benefits including stormwater and flood mitigation, climate resilience, restoration, conservation, enhanced public health, environmental education, and community cohesion.
We encourage you to read about the programs below that are ushering us in to the time for GI. This list of programs have or will soon fund a host of green infrastructure projects in our region, some of which CWH has collaborated upon (Learn about our Living Laboratory and Sustainable Landscape projects).
With our Rain or Shine: Soaking Up Success Symposium, we will convene experts from a variety of sectors, including representatives from the funding entities below, to share lessons learned and discuss how to improve future green infrastructure projects. We hope the Symposium will invigorate collaboration and inspire a vision for the future GI projects in California.
Measure W, also known as the Safe and Clean Water Program, is a program to fund projects that address environmental issues through green infrastructure, technical resources, and scientific research.
Infrastructure: funds multi benefit infrastructure projects that have completed a feasibility study, prioritize nature-based solutions and provide DAC Benefits
Technical Resources: funds the development of multi-benefit project concept into a feasibility study
Scientific Studies: funds scientific study related to increasing stormwater or urban runoff capture and reducing stormwater or urban runoff pollution
Prop 1 funds ecosystem, watershed protection and restoration, and water supply infrastructure projects including surface, groundwater storage, and drinking water protection.
Prop 68 is a statewide funding program for projects to increase open parks and green space, especially in underserved areas
Measure A is an LA County Parks and Open Space parcel tax on developments that would fund projects that protect, enhance, and maintain neighborhood parks, open space, trails, beaches, natural habitat and rivers, creeks, and streams.
The Urban Green Grant Program is a statewide greenhouse gas reduction fund that supports projects that:
Sequester and store carbon by planting trees
Reduce building energy use by strategically planting trees to shade buildings
Reduce commute vehicle miles traveled by constructing bike paths, bike lanes, and pedestrian areas to provide safe routes and connect communities
Register today to be a part of the discussion at our Rain or Shine: Soaking Up Success Symposium and check out our newly announced Symposium Speaker List including Secretary Wade Crowfoot and Supervisor Sheila Kuehl!
Special thank you to our generous Symposium partners and Sponsors!
PLEASE NOTE: These sponsors are receiving the E-communication & Blog benefit from our 2020 Rain or Shine Sponsorship Packet! Click here to view a full list of Symposium sponsors. Interested in being featured on the Symposium web page and in future emails and blogs? Request a sponsor packet from eeberhard@watershedhealth.org today!