#SummerScienceFriday | Summer Recap

Since the start of the season, our team has sampled the LA River Watershed’s “Safe to Swim” sites 12 times, posted seven #SummerScienceFriday’s to inform Angelenos about the health of our watershed, and have provided a number of resources for educators to use for out-of-classroom learning. Each week, we have also had the privilege of educating you all on LA River Watershed topics and how they can relate to your at home learning environment. Our team has thoroughly enjoyed communicating this foundational information in a way that is easy to understand and accessible for people of all backgrounds. We hope we’ve made learning at home a little easier and more fun during this time.
With the links and brief summaries below, we hope that our readers will continue to be inspired to become exemplary watershed stewards all year round. Until next year, thank you all for tuning in!
Overview of the LA River Watershed Monitoring Program (LARWMP)
Update on the expansion of #SummerScienceFridays and our partnership with Southern California Edison (SCE)
Quick overview of the LA River- history, ecology, recreation, people, and culture along the River
Sources of pollution in our watershed
Common types of pollutants
Reducing pollution in schoolyards
Native and invasive species
Potential for habitat in schoolyards
The importance of nature in our community
The importance of community stakeholders and the power we have to promote environmental activities in our communities
Los Angeles' water supply
The role that green infrastructure plays in water and energy conservation
Habitat, health, educational, and social benefits of green infrastructure
Opportunities for schoolyards to incorporate green infrastructure and be able to provide benefits to their campus and community
Remember to tag us in your photos this summer with #WatershedActive and stay connected with us!
Instagram- @watershedhealth
Facebook- @CouncilforWatershedHealth
Twitter- @CWH.org
Many thanks to our #SummerScienceFriday partner for making this #SummerScienceFriday season possible!